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Converting Enum Types By Value in C#

Wed, 30 Jun 2021 by garethbrown

If you find yourself having to convert between values in two identical Enums and there is no way that your code base allows you to reconcile those enums into the same type, or if you have enums with only letter case differences, this is a means of a conversion from source to target using generics.

public static class EnumExtensions
    public static TTargetEnumType ConvertByName<TTargetEnumType>(this Enum source, bool verifyAllEnumMembersMatch = false, bool ignoreCase = false) where TTargetEnumType : struct, Enum
        if (verifyAllEnumMembersMatch)
            foreach (var sourceEnumValue in Enum.GetValues(source.GetType()))
                bool parsed = Enum.TryParse<TTargetEnumType>(sourceEnumValue.ToString(), ignoreCase, out _);

                if (!parsed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot convert to {typeof(TTargetEnumType).Name} from {source.GetType().Name}, failure on source value {sourceEnumValue}");

            foreach (var targetEnumValue in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TTargetEnumType)))
                bool parsed = Enum.TryParse(source.GetType(), targetEnumValue.ToString(), ignoreCase, out _);

                if (!parsed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot convert to {source.GetType().Name} from {typeof(TTargetEnumType).Name}, failure on target value {targetEnumValue}");

        string sourceString = source.ToString();

        return Enum.Parse<TTargetEnumType>(sourceString, ignoreCase);

Some basic tests for this class are as follows

public class EnumExtensionTests
   private enum TestEnum1

   private enum TestEnum2

   private enum TestEnum3

   public void TestBasicConversion()
       var testEnum2AAs1A = TestEnum1.A.ConvertByName<TestEnum2>();

       Assert.Equal(TestEnum2.A, testEnum2AAs1A);

       var testEnum2BAs1B = TestEnum1.B.ConvertByName<TestEnum2>();

       Assert.Equal(TestEnum2.B, testEnum2BAs1B);

       var testEnum2CAs1C = TestEnum1.C.ConvertByName<TestEnum2>();

       Assert.Equal(TestEnum2.C, testEnum2CAs1C);

   public void TestThrowsOnMismatchedEnumsAndVerifyAllEnumMembersMatch()
       Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() =>
           TestEnum3.A.ConvertByName<TestEnum2>(ignoreCase: false, verifyAllEnumMembersMatch: true);

       Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() =>
           TestEnum2.A.ConvertByName<TestEnum3>(ignoreCase: false, verifyAllEnumMembersMatch: true);

   public void TestDoesNotThrowOnMismatchedEnumsAndVerifyAllEnumMembersMatchIsFalse()
       TestEnum3.A.ConvertByName<TestEnum2>(ignoreCase: false, verifyAllEnumMembersMatch: false);

       TestEnum2.A.ConvertByName<TestEnum3>(ignoreCase: false, verifyAllEnumMembersMatch: false);

   public void TestThrowsOnMismatchedEnumsAndVerifyAllEnumMembersMatchFalse()
       Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() =>
           TestEnum1.C.ConvertByName<TestEnum3>(ignoreCase: false, verifyAllEnumMembersMatch: false);

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